Organizational and IT Security

"Cyber-security is much more than a matter for IT." -- Stephane Napo


Establishing your security posture is a critical aspect of doing business today. We provide extra eyes on your security posture and help ensure protection from known and unknown threats. We provide the steps and possibilities you can consider that best fit your business. We assist with improving your security posture, perform risk assessments, establish risk management, plan business continuity, and review IT security audits.

Get Started

Security Advisory

We combine consulting and “done-for-you” services to audit, assess, evaluate, create, implement, monitor, and recommend policies, procedures, and guidelines for your organization to improve security posture.

Data Privacy

We assist with data privacy to set your business apart and address consumer concerns. We provide multiple data privacy services to assess and protect your most sensitive data. 

IT Risk Advisory

Our IT risk advisory services provide a framework for gaining valuable insights into processes and technologies. Ensure your organization has effective and efficient technology controls. 

Privacy and Security Functions

Gaining Peace of Mind with Security Advisory Services

Our security advisory services assess your organization’s administrative, physical, and technical systems. Typically, this assessment measures your organization’s security posture against an audit checklist of industry best practices, externally established standards, and federal and state regulations.

We audit, assess, evaluate, create, implement, monitor, and recommend policies, procedures, and guidelines for your organization to improve your security posture.

Organizational & IT Security

Data Privacy Services


HiTrust Controls


IT General Controls (ITGC)


IT Risk Advisory Services


IT Risk Assessment & Risk Management


IT Security Policies & Procedures


Organizational Security Policy


Organizational Security Posture Audit

HR Individual Services

Security Policies and Controls

IT General Controls

IT general controls (ITGC) are the basic controls that can be applied to IT systems such as applications, operating systems, databases, and supporting IT infrastructure.


  • Logical access controls over applications, data, and supporting infrastructure
  • Program change management controls
  • Backup and recovery controls
  • Computer operation controls
  • Data center physical security controls
  • System development life cycle controls

IT Risk Assessment & Risk Management

A correctly performed risk management system of people, processes, and technology enables an organization to establish objectives aligned with values and risks. It is a nonstop process and changes over time. A successful risk assessment program focuses on risk and commits the necessary resources to control and mitigate risk.

Repeating and continually monitoring the processes can help assure maximum coverage of known and unknown risks. It is critical to identify threats and vulnerabilities the organization currently faces, determine the probability and impact of those threats, identify existing mitigating controls, and design audit procedures to test their effectiveness.

Thus, the business protects itself from uncertainty, reduces costs, and increases the likelihood of business continuity and success.

Achieve Operational Excellence

Business Tools to Improve Performance


Employee Handbook

Your customized legal employee handbook protects your business and answers what it is like to work there. We keep them compliant when laws change.

Advertising and Marketing

Organizational Management

Organizational governance and management tools of policies and standards set the stage for what rules and procedures are needed.

Privacy and Security Regulations

Business SOPs and Guides

Operational manuals communicate how to complete certain standard jobs and procedures. We help you break them down into easy-to-follow actionable tasks. 

Legal-ishness: Reasonable Assurances, No Guarantees

A security audit (or any audit) cannot prove anything other than an audit was done. The main reason is that security controls, as a subset of a company’s internal controls, are overseen and owned by the management of that organization. As external independent actors, auditors cannot attest to security controls not subscribed to by management.

Therefore, auditors may only attest to the assertions of the organization’s management, and if necessary, security controls to achieve particular principles that need to be added or improved should qualify their opinion issued to management. It is management, not the security auditor, who ultimately decides to secure an organization.

Get Started Today!

Schedule your initial (no obligation or cost) discovery conversation via videoconferencing. As we learn about your concerns, needs, and goals, enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer) and share what you are experiencing, your goals and needs, and how you would like to proceed.

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