Chiropractic Practice Resources
Running a chiropractic practice as a sole proprietor or part of a chiropractic support organization presents unique challenges.

Chiropractic Practice KPI Formulas
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for chiropractic practices because they provide measurable insights into various business aspects. They enable informed decisions to improve patient care, financial health, and operational efficiency.

HIPAA Incident and Breach Investigation
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires investigating and documenting potential and actual incident and breach events. These investigations ensure compliance with HIPAA rules and help mitigate risks associated with the unauthorized use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI).

360 Peer Review Form
360 peer reviews in the chiropractic practice involve gathering feedback from peers, subordinates, and supervisors. This comprehensive approach provides holistic insights into a dental professional’s skills, behaviors, and overall effectiveness.
Chiropractic Practice Chaos
Signs Your Chiropractic Practice is in Trouble
We provide a unique blend of comprehensive management and operational support services without requiring cost-sharing and profit distribution. By partnering with Recharge Consultant LLC, chiropractors can focus on delivering excellent patient experiences and patient care while we assist with the practice’s administrative, operational, and business aspects.
Chiropractic Front Office Support
We empower your front office team with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to operate at their best, resulting in improved patient satisfaction and practice growth.
Chiropractic Back Office Support
Our back-office support encompasses a range of administrative and operational tasks that ensure a dental practice runs smoothly and efficiently by evaluating patient workflows.
Chiropractic Practice Challenges
Common Chiropractor Resources
Chiropractic Practice Job Descriptions
These job descriptions are tailored for roles commonly found in chiropractic practices. Job descriptions for massage therapists, chiropractic assistants, office managers, and coding and billing specialists hold employees accountable for specific tasks and duties.
General Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
A performance improvement plan (PIP) is a structured document that helps employees improve their performance when they do not meet the expected standards. The goal is to support the employee in improving specific areas of their job performance, offer guidance, and set clear expectations.
General Performance Reviews
Employee performance reviews are an essential part of managing and developing employees within an organization. They offer an opportunity to assess an individual’s work, provide constructive feedback, and discuss career development goals.
Chiropractic Practice Employee Handbook
A chiropractic practice employee handbook outlines workplace policies, expectations, and procedures specific to the chiropractor’s office. Customized employee handbooks are available.