Step 1: Answer a Few Questions

We apologize that this process is longer than you may expect. We had to implement something more substantial to reduce spam and undesired solicitations but also to make our introduction meeting(s) more productive.

  • First, please, take a moment to tell us a little about yourself, your business, issues, and the results you desire. 
  • Second, select the date and time you are available to meet. This initial meeting is at no obligation to you and it’s free.

The information you provide us will help in handling your request and providing you with the support you need. It is confidential and only those working with your account may have access to this information.

Recharge Consultants, LLC

We believe how (processes) you do business is just as important as why (purpose).

Our unique support organization assists our small and medium businesses with compliance functions. We simplify human resources, privacy and security, and healthcare regulations and provide support in online marketing and technology management.

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The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, we make no guarantees regarding the content’s completeness, reliability, or accuracy. Users are advised to consult a qualified legal professional before deciding based on the information provided. This website does not create an attorney-client relationship between the user and the website operators.

Disclosure: Most external links on this website are ‘affiliate links.’ For example, our Partner resources (such as Amazon books) and software solutions (such as Trainual) are shared with our affiliate link. This means we will receive an affiliate commission if you click on the link and purchase the item. We just wanted to let you know that this is at no additional cost to you.